Monday, October 27, 2008

One for the Boys...

Cliff took his Toyota FJ up to World's Edge last weekend (and actually he went again this weekend) to play in the big mud holes.
Here is the view:
World's Edge 101908

And Cliff and CJ @ the edge: (and why, no, I wasn't nervous)
Cliff & CJ World's Edge 101908

and the FJ when he got home:
Cliff's FJ 101808

We also stopped to pick out a pumpkin:
CJ 101908

Are you ready for Halloween?

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Read any good books lately?

I haven't. As a matter of fact, I don't remember the last time I even picked up a book. And I am wanting to jump back in. Any suggestions?

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Ghost Town

Last Sunday, we headed to Maggie Valley, NC to visit Ghost Town in the Sky ( We picked a wonderful time to go - no crowds or waiting in line and the views were awesome. The leaves were just starting to turn and I am sure in a couple of weeks, the colors will be breathtaking.
Here are a few pics from out trip:
DH and DD and a view:
GhostTown 2
DD and I riding the "horses":
GhostTown 3
DD and I in jail (LOL):
GhostTown 1
actually that pic was taken by DH putting his arm inside of the jail cell and taking a pic of us standing on the outside. We had a lot of fun taking that one.
And DH and DD panning for gold:
GhostTown 4
We had a great time and just may go back in the spring!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

I have a Chipmunk...

in my house!
I stopped by the house during my lunch break today just to let the dog out. Well, I opened the backdoor and called for Brewster. Just as he was stepping out, the cat went flying from the outside and over Brewster. As this was happening, I thought I saw something else run through. You know, maybe Boots (the cat) had a hold of something that she let go as she flew into the house. I looked and didn't see anything so left and went back to work.
Well, I called my dear husband and explained it to him (and I know he thought I was crazy). He said he would look when he got home. So, I had to stay late for a meeting and didn't get home to almost 7. They had ordered pizza and DH was resting in the den. DD and I played with the Wii for awhile then went to my room where she could practice her trumpet. Several minutes later, DH comes in laughing his head off. Apparently, a chipmunk appeared from behind the TV and ran across the room right in front of him.
So now, the back door is wide open with a pile of bread crumbs sitting in front of it. We are hopeing that the chipmunk wants to go back to his home and out of mine.