Sunday, July 6, 2008

Coon Dog Day

Yesterday was Coon Dog Day in Saluda, NC. Cliff and I went down to spend the day with some friends of ours that live in Saluda. We left the house late and did not make it to Main Street to catch the parade however, we ended up stuck in traffic along the parade route and got to see most of it while sitting in the car. Cliff was being grumpy about the whole being stuck in traffic but I was enjoying our nice seats - the most comfortable parade seats I've ever had. Anyway, this being our friends 10th year in Saluda and their 10th Coon Dog Day - they put a float in the parade to celebrate. When their float came by - we got in line behind them and actually drove the end of the parade route, waving at the parade watchers - what a HOOT!
We ate a LOT of really good food and Cliff played some football with the kids. We ended the night by sitting with our friends on the porch then drove home around 10:30pm. I do believe a good time was had by all.
I have a couple of pics - not as many as I would have liked - and I will post them sometime this week when I get a chance to download them.
See ya later!

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